Caustic Soda


Caustic soda, or sodium hydroxide, is a strong base soluble in water. Produced by the electrolysis of salt brine, it is available on a wide industrial scale.

Caustic soda is used in the manufacture of products which form part of our daily lives and in applications or uses as varied as the pulp & paper, detergents, the chemical, building and car industries, packaging, agriculture, environmental protection, water treatment, foodstuffs, health and textiles, and so on. 
Solvay produces and supplies caustic soda in liquid form (aqueous solution) and solid form (anhydrous), under the main quality international standards, in order to provide efficient services to industry.

Liquid Caustic Soda

Liquid caustic soda is a colourless odourless liquid. Liquid caustic soda is a strong base used as a chemical reagent, pH-regulating, ion exchanger regenerating agent, catalyst, etching or cleaning agent.

 Solid Caustic Soda - Micropearls
  Solid caustic soda is a strong base used as chemical reagent, pH-regulating, ion exchanger regenerating agent, catalyst, etching or cleaning agent. Solid caustic soda micropearls are white odourless solids.